Sub 25 Class

Solidifying a Life-Changing Faith 

Sub 25 class led by Cliff Beall
Sunday mornings at 9:00AM
Whether you are going to college or entering the work force, your late teens and early twenties are some of the most exciting and life-changing years on this Earth. Unfortunately, it's also the time where many people choose to walk away from the church and even their relationship with God. How do I find God's purpose for my life? How do I understand the gifts that God has given me? How do I begin to serve Him as I start a career and possibly even a family? These are questions that our sub 25 class seek to explore and answer together through looking at God's Word.

The Sub 25 class is designated for young adults from 18-25 and meets upstairs each week. We also plan more or less monthly hangouts including taking a trip to the Passion Conference in January.

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