New Here? Welcome!

Glory Fellowship Baptist Church is a place where people can meet Jesus and  engage in life-giving community. We believe in presenting unbelievers with the gospel and reminding believers about its impact on their daily lives. Our goal is to help everyone learn to live more holy and righteous lives to the glory of God and in response for all He has done for us through Jesus Christ.  
Join us for our Sunday services!

When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:00 am and 10:30 am

Wednesday Evenings

6:00 pm

What To Expect

A typical service will last a little over an hour. When you enter the main entrance there is coffee, juice and light snacks available for free at the refreshments area immediately to the left. There's a welcome desk at the back of the foyer if you have questions or want a free gift. To the right is the Glory Kids Desk, where you will check in your children ages Kindergarten and under. There will be folks there to help you find your classrooms. People feel comfortable dressing casually at our church (you're more likely to see shorts and polos than suits and ties). As you enter the sanctuary, all seating is open and available to anyone (don't worry about taking someone's "spot". That's not really a thing here.) We sing music based on the Scriptures and do so in an almost exclusively contemporary style led by our talented praise band. There is childcare available for kids pre-k and under while kids K-2nd attend their own worship upstairs. Kids 3rd grade and older worship in "big church" with everyone. After a few songs and potentially other exciting things like a special prayer time, baptism or baby dedication, our Pastor--Adam Brewer, will give a detailed, dynamic teaching of the Bible with Jesus in view. Afterwards, people generally hang around and talk--so don't run out too quickly--stay a while and make a new friend.

How do I become a member?

At Glory, we take membership seriously. It's one of the ways through God's grace we keep a unified body.

Step 1: Meet with the staff. These short meetings can be set up at your convenience. We will get to know you and your Jesus story. We'll explain what our church believes and then explain what you can expect from us and what we will expect from you as a new member.  

Step 2: Attend a Discovering Glory Luncheon if at all possible. This is a free lunch after a Sunday morning service where you can really get down to the details of what our church is all about and make sure it's a fit for you and possibly your family.
Step 3: When you're sure that you want to be a member of our local church, you'll come down at the end of a morning worship service and we will introduce you to the church body.

Step 4: If you are a new believer or you think you may need a refresher on some bible basics, we can plug you into a great class called "The Way". If not, then you can start attending the group of your choice. Additionally, we'll  start seeing what your gifts are and looking for ways that you can serve Jesus through our local church.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.